T & A Studios, LLC Privacy Statement
E-mail the webmaster for a listing
of all applicable domains.
Our Commitment To Privacy
Your privacy is important to us. To
better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information
practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected
and used. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available on our homepage
and at every point where personally identifiable information may be requested.
The Information We Collect:
We do not
collect any customer information. Please see our payment processor's Privacy
Policy concerning collected information
This notice applies to all information
collected or submitted on T&A Studios, LLC operated websites.
Disclosures of Information:
Your name, physical address, phone number and password are considered confidential. However, all information
you provide to us may be shared with other third parties as necessary fulfill technical requirement or to comply
with applicable law, to cooperate with law enforcement and the court system.
Opt‐in Email Offers
By accepting membership to this site, the subscriber expressly and specifically acknowledges and agrees that it
may receive from time to time, email communications from this site or from third‐party services. These
communications shall be deemed to be opt‐in email communications by virtue of the subscriber joining this site.
Thru this process, the subscriber’s personal information and data may be disclosed to third‐party services.
Email Opt-in and User Communication
The subscriber's e‐mail address may be used by the site to communicate special offers and other relevant
information such as new services, subscription information, etc. In addition, there may be occasions when a
subscriber will be presented with special offers either from the operators of the site or from third‐party service,
which may include consent to receive e‐mail solicitations, communications, newsletters, commercial advertising,
or other promotional or special event materials. These communications shall be deemed to be opt‐in email
communications by virtue of the subscriber joining this site. The subscriber may opt‐out of a mailing list by clicking
on the removal link located at the bottom of the promotional email or by visiting the site www.mailgo2.com
How To Contact Us:
Should you have other questions or
concerns about these privacy policies, please call us at 732-572-2382 or send
us an email at privacy@tandastudios.com